Further Together: Exalt

Make a way to the nations through worship!

April 25, 2025 | Annual Fundraiser

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Further Together: Exalt

Make a way to the nations through worship!

April 25, 2025 | Annual Fundraiser

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One third of the world hasn’t heard of Jesus.


Get coached and equipped to make multiplying disciples where Christ is not yet known.


Join others to intercede and move God to action on behalf of the nations.


Make an impact by investing in fruit that remains.

Does your heart hurt for peoples who have not heard of Jesus?

You Can Help

All Nations is a global family on mission to see Jesus worshiped by all the peoples of the earth.

We make disciples and train leaders to ignite church planting movements among the neglected people of the earth. Every believer plays a part in seeing Kingdom reality touch earth. You have a part to play. We help people find their part.

Discover your role in making disciples

How we have helped people like you get equipped to make disciples where Jesus is not known.

All Nations as a strategic partner to Navah Church KC provides us with global perspective, practical equipping and relational support as we pursue Jesus’ calling to make disciples to the ends of the earth.

Adam CoxPastor of Navah Church KC

Being part of All Nations has fulfilled a dream for me that I’ve had all my life in wanting to be part of something bigger.

Karalee FisherPastoral Care Volunteer

Before I took CPx, I thought church planting was only for the super-evangelists… Now I see that Jesus & simple (but challenging) teachings on finding people of peace and disciple-making apply to every follower. My wife and I see better how we can use our gifts and strengths, along with growth in our weaker areas, to be a part of planting churches among the neglected peoples of the Earth!

All Nations Missionaryto Sweden

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Seven Commands of Jesus