Our Team

Kansas City Team

The Kansas City Hub was founded in 1993, and is now one of four global All Nations Hubs. We exist to mobilize, train, send, and care for missionaries and other disciple-makers. Meet our Hub team!

  • Joshua, Executive Co-Director – Joshua trains and coaches others to ignite movements to Christ. He is a former English teacher and college basketball coach. He loves 2 Timothy 2:2 and is thrilled by the idea of exponential multiplication. He has spent seven years living in the Middle East and Asia catalyzing Disciple Making Movements. He has a Masters in Social and Civic Entrepreneurship from Bakke Graduate University.
  • Meredith, Executive Co-Director – Meredith is a beloved daughter of the Father, the wife of Joshua and the mom of Luke. She loves cooking, hiking, reading, traveling, and befriending Muslim-background people. She started intentionally loving Muslims in 2005, and is delighted to now be training Muslim-background Jesus-followers to ignite movements among their own. She serves as on the All Nations International Leadership Team.
  • Randy, Co-Director of Pastoral Care – Randy has served with All Nations Kansas City since it was founded in 2000. He cares for and pastors church planters around the world. An experienced traveler to over 90 different countries, Randy has a deep understanding of how to care for church planters living in difficult circumstances. Randy also oversees our pastoral care team in Kansas City.
  • Lynn, Co-Director of Pastoral Care – Before joining All Nations, Lynn was an Occupational Therapist serving children with special needs for over 19 years. She was active in various ministries including Perspectives, Women’s Ministry, and Jail Ministry. She is also passionate about completing the Great Commission by mobilizing, equipping, and encouraging missionaries as they take the Gospel to the unreached people of the Earth.
  • Lisa, Communications Director – Lisa enjoys writing, creativity, and solid systems, and hopes to enable our team to share the beautiful story of God’s work through All Nations. She previously worked for over ten years in the Perspectives National Office and at Frontier Ventures. She’s been a local in Kathmandu, Manhattan KS, Fayetteville AR, and Pasadena CA.
  • Jason, Finance Director – Jason desires to see Jesus worshiped by people of every tribe, tongue and nation. He is committed to using his gifts and talents to help field workers be successful in reaching the nations. One of his passions is reaching incarcerated men with the Gospel. Jason is a devoted Oklahoma Sooner fan and loves having fun.
  • Kathleen, Communications Assistant – Kathleen is passionate about serving and walking alongside the immigrant and refugee communities, especially in the areas of education, advocacy, and discipleship/mentorship. A graduate of Georgetown University, Kathleen is fluent in Spanish and aims to live her life with a “corazón de pasión, vida de acción” [heart of passion, life of action].
  • Cariane, Executive Assistant – Cariane teaches elementary school and serves as the part time Executive Assistant for Meredith and Joshua. She handles logistics pertaining to the prayer and training calendar, housing for missionaries, and many details of the annual fundraiser. Cariane makes lives better behind the scenes!
  • Christina, Mobilization Director – Christina loves listening to people and launching them into their destiny. Christina dreams of a day when the generation behind her loves God, themselves, and everyone so deeply that the choices they make from a place of love shift the course of families, communities, and history. She started making disciples and training leaders in the Pacific Northwest before she could drive.
  • Phil, Training Coordinator – Phil is passionate about raising up leaders to be servant-minded, promoting healthy family structures, and providing practical training with mentoring in loving communities. He lived in East Asia for over 9 years up until 2020, making disciples who make disciples. He loves movies and smoking meat (and making other delicious food).
  • Charlie, Finance Assistant – Charlie and his family where previously in the Netherlands reaching out to refugees. Charlie has a degree in business administration from Washburn university. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife and 3 boys, as well as woodworking, gardening, and spending time outdoors.
  • Ruthe, Human Resources Coordinator – Ruthe homeschooled her children for 18 years and also started and directed homeschool co-ops. She loves to serve children through teaching and calling them up into their God-given destinies. Ruthe also loves interceding for the world around her, gardening, canning, and spending time with her husband, family and grandchildren.
  • Charissa, Communications & Mobilization Specialist – With a background in social work and 12 years of cross-cultural experiences, Charissa Grace is passionate in advocating for and journeying with others as they discover their role in the Great Commission. Writing poetry, coffee-shop scenes, and lots of grace are what keep her going as she embraces motherhood of two littles and servanthood of the King.

International Leadership Team

The International Leadership Team exists to guide, guard, and govern the global All Nations movement. They serve Hubs in Kansas City Hub, Uganda, Germany, and South Africa, as well as Catalytic Churches around the world.

John and Mary

Read John and Mary's bio

Mary is the International Executive Leader of All Nations. She is passionate about finishing the Great Commission in this generation by making disciples in every remaining unreached people group of the world. Born in Taiwan and raised on four continents, Mary has lived in Swaziland, Taiwan, Indonesia, New Zealand, Philippines, Hong Kong, and the U.S., and traveled extensively. She received her Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Regent University, VA in 2017. She is married to John and has two boys. John was born in Tainan and grew up in four countries – Taiwan, Thailand, Laos and the U.S. He graduated UC Berkeley, and is a licensed architect with his own consulting practice. He has lived and worked in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Taipei, Hong Kong and Kansas City. John is a third generation believer, whose grandparents were saved through missionaries with the China Inland Mission, who went deep into China where others did not go.


Read Sally's bio

Floyd and Sally McClung are the founders of All Nations Family. Floyd passed away in 2021. He spoke on more than 100 university campuses and traveled to about 200 countries. He is the author of sixteen books, including the best-selling books, “The Father Heart of God” and “Living on the Devil’s Doorstep”. Floyd and Sally were married in 1967 and have two children and two grandchildren. In 1970 they pioneered a live-in community in Kabul, Afghanistan for young westerners traveling on the hippie trail. They moved to Amsterdam, Holland in 1973 to establish an inner-city ministry, which eventually grew to over 300 staff and volunteers. After some time, they established All Nations. Sally now lives in Cape Town, South Africa where she and Floyd also pioneered a training and outreach community.

Gerhard and Miranda

Read Gerhard and Miranda's bio

Gerhard is the Senior Pastor of Logos Christian Church, a leading missional church in Cape Town, South Africa. He and his wife Miranda have been pastoring churches for more than 30 years and were blessed to serve in several network leadership positions. The miraculous healing of their son Lukas in the 80s changed the course of their life. They developed a Kingdom mindset when leaders from different denominations came together to pray for them. It opened the door for the Holy Spirit in their lives and a revival in their church and community. This movement of God led to their involvement in the development of the Cell Church Network in South Africa and beyond. Their journey into Disciple Making Movements (DMM) started when they met Floyd in Cape Town. Gerhard is developing a “Movement Church” Network in the City. It is a ministry of All Nations. Miranda is an artist. She loves children and focuses on raising leaders and teams to disciple children.

Joshua and Meredith

Read Joshua and Meredith's bio

Bio Coming!

Juergen and Monika

Read Juergen and Monika's bio

Juergen and Monika live in Hamburg and are leading the work of All Nations in Germany. They visit on-site works, speak at conferences and coach other All Nations members. Dr. Juergen is a church planter as well as a successful businessman, who leads his own consulting practice for senior business leaders. Over the last years Juergen developed the All Nations business for mission approach. He heads up a team of business people to train church planters to sustain themselves through business and mobilize believing business people to get involved in the mission. Monika is a gifted evangelist and was instrumental in the start of a small movement in Hamburg, Germany.

Matt and Elizabeth

Read Matt and Elizabeth's bio

Pastor Matt and his wife, Elizabeth, founded and are currently pastoring Living Water Church in Tainan, Taiwan. Matt and Elizabeth have seven children, two grandchildren and are whole-heartedly dedicated to raising up youth to live holy and righteous lives while equipping them to impact their campuses, families, and ultimately, society. Their main ministries other than pastoring include SHINE, a nation-wide youth movement calling young people to live in sexual purity, FLI (Forerunner Leadership Institute), an institute training kingdom leaders for the mission field, the market place, or full-time ministry, and ANHOP (All Nations House of Prayer), where worship and prayer happens daily, as well as intercession for the church and the harvest until the day of His return!

All Nations Kansas City Board


Read Mary's bio

Mary is the International Executive Leader of All Nations. She is passionate about finishing the Great Commission in this generation by making disciples in every remaining unreached people group of the world. Born in Taiwan and raised on four continents, Mary has lived in Swaziland, Taiwan, Indonesia, New Zealand, Philippines, Hong Kong, and the U.S., and traveled extensively. She received her Doctor of Strategic Leadership from Regent University, VA in 2017. She is married to John and has two boys.


Read Juergen's bio

Juergen and his wife live in Hamburg and are leading the work of All Nations in Germany. They visit on-site works, speak at conferences and coach other All Nations members. Dr. Juergen is a church planter as well as a successful businessman, who leads his own consulting practice for senior business leaders. Over the last years Juergen developed the All Nations business for mission approach. He heads up a team of business people to train church planters to sustain themselves through business and mobilize believing business people to get involved in the mission.


Read Phyllis' bio

Through worship dance, living life with the Lord, and a class called “Perspectives,” Jesus placed in Phyllis’ heart a tenacious passion for all peoples to worship Him. To this end, Phyllis mobilizes the Body of Christ, locally and abroad through teaching, friendship, pastoral care, and Board service with All Nations. She holds a Bachelor of Arts and Education degree, having taught in Christian school and home-school. She enjoys advocating for “Perspectives” in a variety of roles.


Read John's bio

John was born in Tainan and grew up in four countries – Taiwan, Thailand, Laos and the U.S. He graduated UC Berkeley, and is a licensed architect with his own consulting practice. He has lived and worked in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Taipei, Hong Kong and Kansas City. John is a third generation believer, whose grandparents were saved through missionaries with the China Inland Mission, who went deep into China where others did not go.


Read Graham's bio

Graham is focused on releasing people into the good works that God has prepared for them in the various spheres of life. His focus on this in his country of South Africa has included education, counseling, establishing a process to assist people to discover the good works they are called to do, facilitating the release and care of missionaries, assisting church networks with training and churches with leadership transitions, and discerning worldview influences to disciple nations. He has a diploma in business management, and degrees in biology and biochemistry, wildlife management, theology, and a doctorate in public policy from Cornell University. He worked for a season in the New York State Assembly, in leadership in a church in South Africa, is an adjunct professor for Global University, and is currently part of the leadership of Navah Church in Kansas City.


Read Jessie's bio

Jessie is an ordained Foursquare minister and a demonstrated disciple-maker and facilitator of spiritual community transformation. She is a nationally recognized leader in the fields of experiential education and educational neuroscience and holds a Master’s from Harvard in Mind, Brain, and Education. Jessie is a published academic and serves on multiple boards internationally. She currently works as an independent denomination consultant. She is the co-founder of 5Q and co-author of Activating 5Q, which seeks to help implement an Ephesians 4 culture in faith environments. As a neuro-ecclesiologist, her goal is to connect the journey of faith with the science of transformation.


Read Jacob's bio

Jacob and Teresa and their five children spent 9 years in Youth with a Mission, most recently pioneering YWAM Horn of Africa. Jacob now serves as Global Mission and Local Outreach Pastor at LifeMission Church. He also pastors a campus of LifeMission in Kansas City, Kansas. Jacob is still a part of the African Eldership Circle for YWAM and sits on several local and international ministry boards. Jacob is passionate about seeing God do new things, in new ways, in new places. Jacob serves as Chair of the ANKC Board.


Read Pam's bio

Pam spent ten years in Central Asia as a church planter and Bible translator working among a previously unengaged people group. Along with others, she was able to help lead people to Jesus and train them to lead their own churches. The local believers have, in turn, shared Jesus with others and also raised up other leaders. Pam's heart is to train and send church planters to share Jesus with other unreached people groups: those who would never have any chance in their lives to hear about Him. To this end, she trains and coaches disciples who make disciples based on simple Biblical and research-based best practices. She serves Perspectives Global as the Co-Editor for the 5th Edition of the Perspectives curriculum.