Upcoming Events

Telling Jesus Stories Workshop - June (Kansas City or Online)
06/14/2025 - 9:00 am - 4:00 pmJesus shared the good news of the kingdom of God by sharing simple stories with people. He didn’t insist that people completely understand the stories, nor did He explain the stories. He simply told stories and waited on the Holy Spirit to enlighten the listeners and empower their hearts to change and grow. In this interactive storytelling workshop, you’ll practice telling Jesus stories naturally, enthusiastically, and with love.

Telling Jesus Stories Workshop- October (Kansas City or Online)
10/11/2025 - 9:00 am - 4:00 pmJesus shared the good news of the kingdom of God by sharing simple stories with people. He didn’t insist that people completely understand the stories, nor did He explain the stories. He simply told stories and waited on the Holy Spirit to enlighten the listeners and empower their hearts to change and grow. In this interactive storytelling workshop, you’ll practice telling Jesus stories naturally, enthusiastically, and with love.