Building a Lot More Love, Joy, and Peace (Online)

09/07/2024 9:00 am - 12:00 pm CST

Attachment love, relational joy, and transcendent peace are not just concepts, they are motivational virtues that move us more profoundly and into deeper levels than mere reasoning and willful choices. Michael has been working with neurotheologian Dr. Jim Wilder and his team who have been learning and teaching others how to build much more resiliency within their lives and stay more continually connected to the life flow of Christ in all kinds of situations. In this training, you will learn more about these virtues, their value, and how to integrate them into your life.

Date: Saturday, September 7, 2024
Time: 9am -12pm CST  *adjust for the time zone accordingly*

This training will be led by Michael

Michael Sullivant
Director of Relational Networks, Life Model Works

Michael Sullivant became a Christ-follower in 1973. He became engaged in Christian leadership as a university student in the midst of a spiritual awakening on his campus. Michael and Terri were married in 1977 and have five married children and 15 grandchildren. They are joyful spiritual parents dedicated to spreading a relationally-rich approach to discipleship and church life. Michael is a minister, speaker, author, and trainer. The Sullivant’s are co-founders of Radius Ministries and New Hope Community based in Kansas City. Michael is also the Director of Relational Networks for Life Model Works, which has pioneered neurotheological practices that deepen and accelerate maturity and character transformation into the image of Jesus. One of Michael’s favorite passages is 2 Timothy 1:7, which is about the well-rounded ministry of the Holy Spirit – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (i. e. mental health).”

Building a Lot More Love, Joy, and Peace (Online)

Date & Time

09/07/2024 9:00 am - 12:00 pm CST Add to Google Calendar
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