Ignite Online Training: Reverse Hospitality; Opening Doors as a Guest

03/06/2025 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm CST

Those in Western cultures can be timid about hospitality, opting to invite people to anonymous gatherings or create events where we provide everything. But one of Jesus’ instructions was “Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality.” What if our willingness to receive from others can actually open new doors to the good news of Jesus?!

Date: March 6, 2025
Time:  7:00pm – 8:30pm CST  *adjust for time zone

Cost: Free!

Location: Online via Zoom

Other questions? Email 



This training will be led by Christina


Mobilization Director – All Nations Kansas City

Christina helps people grow closer to Jesus, become more themselves, and launch movements wherever they go. She loves listening to people and launching them into their destiny. She is a certified life coach and an amateur gardener. Christina dreams of a day when the generation behind her loves God, themselves, and EVERYONE ELSE so deeply that the choices they make from a place of love shift the course of families, communities, and history. She started making disciples and training leaders in the Pacific Northwest before she could drive and believes that waterfalls and chocolate are essential elements to a healthy balanced life.

Ignite Online Training: Reverse Hospitality; Opening Doors as a Guest

Date & Time

03/06/2025 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm CST Add to Google Calendar
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