Senders University (Online or in Clinton, UT)

03/01/2024 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm CST

This training workshop is for anyone praying for or supporting a missionary on the field! You will be surprised to learn the MANY ways to be part of an effective Sending Team for your missionary.

Senders University is for anyone who wants to Send Well. This is a one-of-a-kind training. Don’t miss this rare opportunity!

Paul says in Romans 10:15, “And how will anyone go and tell them, without being sent?”

Unfortunately, Senders have rarely been trained or encouraged in their vital role.


Dates: Friday, March 1, 2024, 6:00 – 9:00 pm MST and Saturday, March 2, 2024, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm MST *adjust timezone accordingly

Location: Online or Lakeside Community Church: 1094 W 1800 North, Clinton UT  84015

Cost: $25 per couple (bring a spouse or a friend)

Missionary and Student Scholarships are available. Please ask.


Register Here 

Questions? Text or Call: Cathy Verhoeven 801-499-9026


This training is led by Peggy Spiers

Peggy Spiers – All Nations International

Peggy is a member of the global support team for All Nations International. She works to develop and sustain healthy partnerships between goers, senders, home churches and agencies. To see Jesus worshipped among all peoples, Peggy trains to Send strategically and care for workers on the field well. Peggy travels widely and specializes in the training workshop Senders University.

Senders University (Online or in Clinton, UT)

Date & Time

03/01/2024 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm CST Add to Google Calendar


Lakeside Community Church
1094 W 1800 North
Clinton 84015
Map Unavailable