True Spirituality: Foster Care & Adoption (Online)

07/13/2024 9:00 am - 12:00 pm CST

God declares His will for our involvement in foster/orphan care in James 1:27: “Here are the beliefs and way of life that God our Father accepts as pure and without fault. When widows are in trouble, take care of them. Do the same for children who have no parents. And don’t let the world make you impure.” NIVR

God speaks this to every person in the kingdom of God, not a select few. So what is something you can do? Not everyone is called to foster/adopt, nor should they: however, everyone can do something. In this training, you will learn about the realities of fostering/adoption, real stories of heartbreak, and success. 

It’s about the child, not you. 

You’ll hear about Trauma Based Relational Intervention (TBRI). You will gain knowledge and resources of ways you can say yes and do something to take care of the widows and orphans in your area.  

You will walk away with creative ideas on how to impact the foster/adoptive community in your circle of influence and begin to implement them in your church, personal life, and community. 

Date: Saturday, July 13, 2024
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm CST  *adjust for the time zone accordingly*

This training will be led by Susan Clift

Susan Clift

AG US Missionary, Foster Care Chaplain

Susan has spent 20 years in Northern Asia (China) in multiple capacities; as a campus Pastor, where she helped develop a curriculum for an English and business training center and a four-week teacher-training course.  Susan saw many come to the knowledge of their true identity in Christ.  Some of whom she remains in contact with today.  To integrate into the culture, she spent over three years learning the local language.  Most recently she led a B.A.M. (Business As Mission) to HIV/AIDS orphans and women in trauma. Through her B.A.M. she saw miracles, conversions, and restorations. Susan has been blessed to have fostered several children, some as respite care and one as 3 years of foster care to a 4-year-old girl abandoned in a hotel room.  Allie (not her real name) received her Glorious Crown of Beauty for the ashes of her life while in Susan’s care.  Today Allie is a healthy, active, thriving 8-year-old girl who loves Jesus, ballet, running, soccer, and has her forever family who are Holy Spirit-filled believers.

Though a part of Susan’s heart remains tied to Northern Asia that door has closed to her, and she cannot return.  Her B.A.M. has been closed, and her visa revoked.  God has redirected her to US Missions AG Foster Care Network.  Susan’s heart for those in abuse and trauma remains the same even though the location has changed.  Her vision to bring that Glorious Crown of beauty for the ashes of life to foster children and women in trauma propels her forward.  A life redeemed through the power, blood, and the love of our King Jesus Christ.  Susan is partnering with AG Foster Care Network, an AG ministry to help facilitate, partner, and train up Churches, the Body of Christ, and potential foster care families to facilitate an eternal change for each child and family in need.  Illinois reports over 20,000 children in foster care homes, an area ripe for the harvest.  Susan has certification in emotional healing through Global Awakening, personal trauma intervention, and group crisis intervention through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. as presented by 461 Response an AG ministry.  Susan is also currently working towards becoming an Illinois licensed Foster Care provider.

True Spirituality: Foster Care & Adoption (Online)

Date & Time

07/13/2024 9:00 am - 12:00 pm CST Add to Google Calendar
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