Training tuition payments are NOT tax deductible. Funds raised for outreach trips overseas are tax deductible.
Paying tuition by personal check
We prefer that you pay your tuition by check. Make out checks to “All Nations Family” and include a note indicating your name, your address and the name of the program you wish the payment to go towards. Do NOT write in the memo line of your check. Please mail all tuition payments to:
All Nations Family
PO Box 55
Grandview, MO 64030
Paying tuition online
You may pay your tuition online through PayPal
With careful attention to fill in the memo line with your name, the name of the training, and the word “tuition.” For example, “John Doe CPx Tuition.” If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can still use PayPal as a guest to pay your tuition by credit card.