Prayer Corps

Join All Nations in strategic and intentional prayer!

Our Mission at All Nations Kansas City (ANKC) Hub is to make disciples and train leaders to ignite church planting movements among the neglected peoples of the earth. We will never accomplish that mission without more and more of the Holy Spirit’s direction, presence and power. To that end we know we must be strategic and intentional in our prayer efforts as a Hub.

Knowing the importance of prayer, we launched the Prayer Corps. The Prayer Corps serves as a vehicle to increase the volume of specific, intentional, and real-time prayer for ANKC, our workers and the neglected peoples of the earth; and more effectively focus and unite the prayers being lifted.

You will receive an email with prayer points the first of each month. Join us!

All who enlist for the prayer corps of co-laborers will:


to pray for ANKC, God’s work through us, and our workers at least once per month.


a monthly prayer guide that will contain suggested prayer topics and unreached people groups to lift in prayer.

God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.

John WesleyTheologian & Evangelist
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