All Nations wants to equip believers to make disciples right now, wherever you are!
Ignite Online Trainings are offered once or more a month, are 90 minutes in length, and provide practical, hands-on tips for making disciples from leading trainers and practitioners.
A special series within these trainings are our mDNA Online Webinars. These explore practically embracing the forgotten ways of ‘church-as-missional-movement.’ What does movement DNA look like? What are the elements that can catalyze a movement? These have ‘mDNA’ in their title.
See the list of archived recorded trainings below and click through to register for the training! After registering, you will be emailed a link for the training.
Registration is Free!
Archived Ignite Online Trainings
Ignite Online Training: Reverse Hospitality – Opening Doors as a Guest – March 2025
Those in Western cultures can be timid about hospitality, opting to invite people to anonymous gatherings instead of inviting them into homes. In this training, you will be inspired by examples and Scripture that show how inviting people into our everyday lives, and entering into theirs, can shift the spiritual atmosphere and ignite Jesus Movements!
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus Conversations: Crossing Cultures & Generations – January 2025
Have you ever started a conversation about spiritual things and watched the walls go up? Jesus is good news to everyone He ever made, but sometimes the words we use to describe Him don’t translate as good news to the people around us. Google is not a helpful translator, but the Holy Spirit is! Let’s practice listening to Him and sharing spiritual truth in non-religious language.
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus on the Ephesians 4:11 Road – December 2024
Join Joshua Johnson to learn how utilizing APEST (the 5-fold typology found din Ephesians 4 of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, & Teacher) can impact your ministry & organization. We see APEST as an interpretive key to unlock potential disciples, leaders, & organizations. APEST is the key to helping grow in maturity in Christ as a community of believers.
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus on the Intercession Road – November 2024
A parent’s (biological and spiritual) prayers are a part of our Spiritual inheritance and are the undergirding for the next generation’s salvation and strength in Christ. You are invited to partner with our Heavenly Father to pray for our children; asking for His protection and His blessing to propel them into their God-given destinies and His Will for their lives. Prayerful and prophetic journaling using the “Ask, Seek, Knock” Method for our children, spouses, family and friends is such a powerful place to start. Join Ruthe as she shares how to practically integrate this into your life to bless our families and those around us!
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus on the Disciple-Making Road – September 2024
The last instructions Jesus gave his followers was the evangelistic commission to “go and make disciples of all the nations.” Evangelism and disciple-making have always been inextricably linked. In this interactive training, you will learn simple and reproducible ways of making disciples, as well as how to live on mission and find spiritually interested people right where you’re already at.
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus on the Abiding Road – July 2024
Do you want to live a fruitful life? Jesus says that’s only possible if you have an abiding life – in John 15, He says, “In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me” (v5, MSG).
One of the key seven abilities we center our flagship training (CPx) around is abiding in Jesus. Join this ignite training to be inspired with creative ways to abide in Jesus and to practice doing so together!
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus on the Everyday Road – July 2024
Everyday we have scripted conversations as we walk along our road. “Hi, how are you?” “What do you do?” “How was your weekend?” “Are you married?” “Do You have kids?” What if different answers to the same daily questions could open up spiritual conversations with strangers and friends alike – as they start asking YOU about Jesus? Sign up today to learn simple ways to transform the conversations you will have every day!
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus on the Gen Z Road – May 2024
Gen Z is the first generation that is coming of age in a post-covid world. As a generation raised in constant crisis and with a full digital presence, they are truly a new wine dealing with the old wineskin of the traditional church. Learning about their worldview, existing convictions, and perspective on faith can help you better understand how to come alongside them and support the callings on their lives.
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus on the Spiritual but not Religious Road – April 2024
Jesus had relationally connected spiritual conversations with people who were outside (and rejected by) the religious community all the time. He didn’t use religious language with them, and He invited them to come close to the Kingdom of God. Every seeker of spiritual truth is actually longing for the person of Jesus. Set some time apart to join this training and practice sharing who He is with spiritual people who are not religious.
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus on the Jewish Road – February 2024
According to I Cor 1:22, “Jews seek for a sign.” To effectively minister to Jews it’s important to understand the unique challenges of sharing the Gospel with Jewish people, knowing which parts of the Gospel to emphasize and walk in Jesus’ command in Matthew 10:8. There He says “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with leprosy, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.” During this training, you will look at seven principles essential for healing the sick and how you can share Jesus with people with a Jewish background.
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus on the Decision-Making Road – February 2024
Through every important decision, people travel through five different steps – whether it is a conscious thought process or not. How do you as a follower of Jesus, learn to make Kingdom decisions in your life? How do you come alongside others and help them to do the same? In this training, you will learn pitfalls in decision-making, the five decision-making steps, and even how they can be applied in evangelism and discipleship.
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training: Jesus on the Muslim Road – January 2024
More Muslims have come to Jesus in the last 15 years than in all of history! God is at work and He is inviting you to join Him. Many Muslim refugees are coming to your cities and even to your neighborhoods. They are lonely.; you can be their friends. They are broken; you can connect them to the Healer. They are seeking; you can introduce them to the One whom they seek.
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training, Step 5: Multiply Churches & Leaders – December 2023
The steps to ignite a Jesus movement are: Pray, Meet people, Make disciples, Gather them into churches, and Multiply churches! This Ignite focuses on Step 5: Multiply churches and leaders. Join us to discover how you can raise up, equip, and coach new believers to be leaders who multiply disciples and Simple churches.
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training, Step 4: Gather Believers into Simple Churches – November 2023
The steps to ignite a Jesus movement are: Pray, Meet people, Make disciples, Gather them into churches, and Multiply churches! This Ignite focuses on Step 4: Gather them into churches. Jesus taught us that the wise man not only heard Jesus’ words but also put them into practice! What if there was a way to discover Jesus’ words, process them in a personal way, and obey them together with a community of prayer, support, and accountability? There is! Join us to learn how to do a Discovery-style Simple Church meeting, and actually practice doing one together!
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training, Step 3, Command 5-7 – Pray, Give, Go – September 2023
The steps to ignite a Jesus movement are: Pray, Meet people, Make disciples, Gather them into churches, and Multiply churches! This Ignite focuses on Step 3: Make disciples. As we make disciples who obey everything Jesus commanded (Matt 28:20), we need to know what He commanded! As we discover the Seven General Commands of Jesus, we will focus on Commands Five, Six & Seven: Pray in the name of Jesus; Give generously; Go and Make disciples. Join us to learn how to equip new believers to be people who pray without ceasing, give generously, and share their faith daily!
Register HERE
Ignite Online Training, Step 3, Command 4 – Love God, Your Neighbor, Other Believers & Your Enemy – August 2023
This Ignite focuses on Step 3: Make disciples. As we make disciples who obey everything Jesus commanded (Matt 28:20), we need to know what He commanded! As we discover the Seven General Commands of Jesus, we will focus this session on Command Four: Love God, your neighbor, other believers, and your enemies. What are some key ways we can help new Jesus-followers to live a life of love? What are some challenges we face in building disciplines of love into our life? How can we learn to love even our worst enemies? Join us to explore all this and more! Register HERE
Ignite Online Training, Step 3, Command 3 – Break Bread – July 2023
The steps to ignite a Jesus movement are: Pray, Meet people, Make disciples, Gather them into churches, and Multiply churches! This Ignite focuses on Step 3: Make disciples. As we make disciples who obey everything Jesus commanded (Matt 28:20), we need to know what He commanded! As we discover the Seven General Commands of Jesus, we will focus this session on Jesus’ command to break bread. CB Newell writes, “I wrote a book on the act of communion because I kept puzzling over the difference between what we see experienced by believers in the New Testament, and what happens in most churches today.” This session will encourage every believer to approach breaking bread with commitment (to obey the command), creativity (in form and setting), and connecting believers with one another as well as our Lord. We’ll examine traditions like only having communion with an ordained leader and keeping children from partaking in the light of Scripture. This session should increase your expectancy for what’s possible when we come together and remember our Lord the way He told us to. Register Here!
Ignite Online Training, Step 3, Command 2 – Be Baptized & Baptize – May 2023
The steps to ignite a Jesus movement are: Pray, Meet people, Make disciples, Gather them into churches, and Multiply churches! This Ignite focuses on Step 3: Make disciples. As we make disciples who obey everything Jesus commanded (Matt 28:20), we need to know what He commanded! As we discover the Seven General Commands of Jesus, we will focus this session on Command Two: Be baptized and baptize. What actually happens in baptism? When and how should we baptize? Join us to explore the transformative power of this Command of Christ! Register Here!
Ignite Online Training, Step 3, Command 1 – Repent, Believe, & Receive Holy Spirit – April 2023
This Ignite focuses on Step 3: Make disciples. As we make disciples who obey everything Jesus commanded (Matt 28:20), we need to know what He commanded! As we discover the Seven General Commands of Jesus, we will focus first on Command One: Repent, Believe, and Receive Holy Spirit. What does it look like to help new believers repent? And how do we help them to receive Holy Spirit and operate in his anointing? – Register Here!
Step 3: Make Disciples Who Love & Obey – March 2023
This Ignite focuses on Step 3: Make disciples. In the Great Commission, Jesus told us to make disciples, teaching them to obey. Register Here!
Step 2: Meeting Persons of Peace – February 2023
This Ignite focuses on Step 2: Meet people. Jesus first coined the term “Person of Peace” in Luke 10:6 when he sent out his 72 disciples. We use 3 basic characteristics in identifying a Person of Peace based on Luke 10:5-7. Register Here!
Step 1: Prayer that Ignites Movements – January 2023
This Ignite focuses on Step 1: Pray. How can you foster a culture of extraordinary prayer in your church and among your friends? Register Here!
HOW IN THE WORLD DO I Hear God’s voice? (from age 2-92) – December 2022
If we aren’t hearing God, it’s usually more about our failure to really listen, rather than his failure to speak! How can we listen to him more intentionally, and teach all our family members, of all ages, to hear his voice too? Register Here!
How does God REALLY feel about me? – November 2022
Do you ever feel like God is distant, disconnected, or disappointed in you? It’s not true! He loves you with the perfect love of a Father! Understanding and owning our identities as beloved sons and daughters of our heavenly Daddy is key to being healthy and fruitful. Come discover the fullness of the Father’s heart for you! Register Here!
HOW IN THE WORLD DO I Send Well? – September 2022
Everyone has a role to play! Join us to learn about the “sending chain,” the Village that powerfully launches and supports those who go cross-culturally. There is more to do than just write a check. Unlocking people’s unique roles will increase their sense of buy-in and passion to send your workers well, together. Register Here!
STICK FIGURE Storytelling – Drawing Jesus Stories on your heart – August 2022
Jesus’ first disciples were ordinary people! The Gospel is not easy, but neither is it complicated. How can we learn and share Jesus Stories in a way that is visual and simple, yet also deep and compelling?
Register Here!
IN SYNC Storytelling – the right story for the right time – July 2022
Jesus was a master story teller. He explained the kingdom through stories about sheep and coins and parenting and construction. And He told specific stories to specific people. Practice asking questions and sharing stories like Jesus did, to strategically connect the person in front of you with the kingdom of heaven! Register Here!
Authentic Storytelling – Sharing Your Own Personal Jesus Stories to Open Up Hearts – May 2022
Jesus was never without a story when he spoke (Mk 4:34)! We too need to be intentional and ready to share our own personal Jesus stories with friends, neighbors, and colleagues! We all have many stories of Jesus’ faithfulness in our lives. This practical workshop will equip you to tell stories in a way that is spiritually obvious, but not spiritually obnoxious! Register Here!
HOW IN THE WORLD can I launch a Jesus Movement on my Campus? – May 2022
Do you dream of seeing the Holy Spirit impact every student at your university?
Do you desire to simply do what Jesus commanded on your campus?
Do you want to know how to heal sick people on your way to class, follow Jesus authentically with your friends, and baptize new followers of Christ in fountains and bathtubs?
Join us to fuel the pursuit of your “God-dreams” and be empowered to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples — on your campus and beyond! Register Here!
SALTY Storytelling – conversation starters to spark spiritual thirst – April 2022
We are the salt of the earth, Jesus said. That means that we should make everyone around us more thirsty for God! Join us to learn some simple, practical ways to share “salty statements” in everyday life, that will lead to more spiritual conversations! Register Here!
Love thy [Refugee] Neighbor – March 2022
The nations are coming to our neighborhoods, and they NEED good neighbors! We can’t miss this opportunity. Join us to discover practical ways to love refugees of various religious backgrounds, and how to be spiritually obvious in our conversations with them, without being spiritually obnoxious. Register Here!
Love thy [Muslim] Neighbor – February 2022
You’ve heard much bad news about Muslims. But, did you know there is good news, too? More Muslims have come to Jesus in the last 15 years than in all of history! God is at work and He is inviting us to join Him. Muslim refugees are coming to our cities and even some are coming to our neighborhoods. They are lonely. We can be their friends. They are broken. We can connect them to healing. They are seeking. We can introduce them to the One whom they seek. Register Here!
Love thy [Millennial] Neighbor – January 2022
On the day of Pentecost, God-fearing Jews from all over the world exclaimed, “we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own language!” In a generation that is deeply suspicious of religious institutions and desperate for family, we have a fresh opportunity to declare the wonders of God in fresh language! Join us to discover how you can share Jesus with Millennials in a way that is beautiful to their ears. Register Here!
Creating a Family Culture of Discipleship – Inviting our Kids to Encounter God – November 2021
As parents, we have been given the calling, opportunity, and privilege to disciple our kids. We are given the charge to show them who Jesus is, and how He feels about them, to teach them to encounter Him, to hear His voice, and to love Him by obeying what He asks of them. By developing a family culture of discipleship, we can develop their character by being intentional in our interactions, activities, and daily rhythms while taking everyday moments in life and making them teachable moments. Explore what it looks like to disciple your kids to grow in character and to walk in the calling that Jesus has for them. Register Here!
Apostolic Teams – How are they different from church? – September 2021
In the New Testament, there are clear examples of local churches in various cities, and also clear examples of traveling Apostolic teams who start new churches in new cities. How do these work together, and how are they different? What are the crucial roles of each? Join us to discover how God has designed different parts of his Body with different jobs, in order to reach the unreached both locally and across the globe! Register Here!
Being Led by the Holy Spirit: Baby Steps – August 2021
Holy Spirit lives within every believer, and He wants to move through us and empower us! How can we learn to be led by Holy Spirit in our daily lives? What simple steps can we take? Register Here!
The Sending Chain – July 2021
Did you know we ALL have a role to play in the Great Commission, as Senders? If we are going to reach an unreached people group, we must all pitch in, whether we are a missionary, a giver, a prayer warrior, or a chocolate-chip cookie baker! Join us in this interactive and fun workshop to learn how you can be part of a Sending Chain to reach an unreached people with the Gospel! Register Here!
Stick Figures Change the World – May 2021
Jesus’ first disciples were ordinary people! The Gospel is not easy, but neither is it complicated. How can we learn and share Jesus Stories in a way that is simple, yet deep and compelling? Register Here!
Translating Jesus to Millennials and Beyond – May 2021
While mainline church attendance has declined amongst Millennials, curiosity about Jesus and spiritual things has not! How can we engage younger generations with the transformative power of Christ in ways that are beautiful to their ears?
Register Here!
Teams that Transform – April 2021
The most dynamic Kingdom expanding teams are those that form deep community, challenge one another, take risks, and trust each other. Join us for this 90-minute training on what it takes to produce teams that transform the community that they are reaching. Register Here!
Creative Conflict – Tools for navigating at home or abroad – April 2021
When stakes are high and emotions run strong, conflict can quickly go wrong. Add a cross-cultural element and it’s even harder! Join us for some simple tools to help you have good “crucial conversations,” so that conflict does not get in the way of your witness. Register Here!
Spiritual Community at Home – March 2021
Especially since the Pandemic, the Lord has shifted the center of spiritual gravity back to our homes! How can we BE church at home in a way that honors Jesus and advances the Great Commission? Register Here!
Doing justice, Loving mercy, Walking humbly – March 2021
Micah 6:8 describes the ideal posture of a disciple-maker. Even Jesus announced his ministry by referencing Isaiah 61, pointing to a work of justice and transformation! How can we move beyond simple knowledge transfer to training disciples to literally change the world around them? Register Here!
Good News for Honor/Shame Cultures – February 2021
The truth of Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Learn how to effectively share the good news of Jesus in a way that honors honor/shame cultures. Register Here!
Speaking of Jesus – Non-evangelism to reach your neighbors – February 2021
Many of us have kept our spiritual lives so isolated that we don’t even know how to start sharing Jesus with our neighbors! Join us to gain ideas for natural bridges into conversations that point to Jesus! Register Here!
Women in Leadership – January 2021
Jesus was revolutionary in his treatment of women, and his inclusion of them in his band of disciples. Never before had any religious leader brought women into his inner circle and empowered them. So why has the church historically struggled with this? Join us as we explore this issue, and discuss how God is using women (as well as men). Register Here!
Coaching: The Secret to Multiplication – January 2021
Ever wondered how you can turn a few simple churches into a multiplying movement? One of the keys is coaching! Join us to learn how. Register Here
mDNA Review: Putting it Into Practice – September 2020
Our September Online Webinar will be a review in the last of our mDNA series. Join us in learning how to put what we’ve learned about movement DNA into practice. Register Here!
Disciple Making Movements – September 2020
Learn disciple-making principles and how to implement elements of a healthy movement. Register Here!
mDNA Element: Organic Systems – August 2020
How do we facilitate and partner with organic missional systems that multiply? Join us as we learn more. Register Here!
mDNA Element: Missional Incarnational Impulse – July 2020
Join us as we explore simultaneous outward missions and deeper expression of the nature of Jesus. Register Here!
Dynamic Sending – July 2020
Our July Online Training will give you the opportunity to be fully activated as a missionary sender, and help your church to send your workers with excellence and love. Register Here!
mDNA Element: APEST – May 2020
How do we rightly understand, define, and begin to grow in the APEST gifts to the body of Christ? Learn more in this training by mission strategist Alan Hirsch. Register Here!
Coaching Disciples Makers – May 2020
What are the fundamentals in coaching disciple-making disciples and church-planting churches? Join us to learn more. Register Here!
mDNA Element: Communitas/Liminality (Risk Taking) – April 2020
When the solution, mission, or goal lie beyond us, what do community and group dynamics look like? Join us to learn more. Register Here!
What About the Kids? – April 2020
Join us to discover practical steps can we take as we intentionally disciple our children, and learn with and from parents around the world. Register Here!
Unlocking Unseen Harvests – April 2020
As disciple-makers, our own personal pursuit to intimately know and love God can be a KEY to God choosing to connect us to the harvest He is about to unlock. Join us to deepen your prayer life and intimacy with Jesus. Register Here!
Virtual Church 101 – April 2020
Join us to learn the technical basics of online meetings, how to best facilitate online sharing and prayer, and a simple format for a dynamic online Bible Study! Register Here!
Leading Through Crisis – April 2020
Whether you are leading a global organization or innovating change initiatives, there are biblical strategies and divine grit that will empower you to spearhead systemic transformation right where you are. Listen in! Register Here!
Business for Missions – April 2020
Listen in to learn how you can use business to help reach the neglected and help sustain Church Planting Movements. Register Here!
APEST in The Midst of Crisis – March 2020
Quarantined Church Series pt 4: This special training equips believers to identify and use these God-given gifts, especially in the context of church. Register Here!
mDNA Element: Viral Disciple-making – March 2020
Quarantined Church Series pt 3: This special training equips and inspires believers to make disciples who make disciples, including a time to practice a group meeting. Register Here!
Hearing God In The Midst Of Turmoil – March 2020
Quarantined Church Series pt 2: This special training equips believers to come to silence and hear from God on big and small issues, including a time of practice. Register Here!
The Quarantined Church – March 2020
Quarantined Church Series pt 1: This special training will equip believers to continue meeting in small, simple churches (in person or virtually) as the coronavirus impacts usual large gatherings. Register Here!
Storytelling Part 2 – March 2020
Our March Online Training will give you the opportunity to practice learning and telling Jesus Stories using fun and easy drawing tools! Register Here!
Storytelling Part 1 – February 2020
Our February Online Training gives you the opportunity to capture people’s hearts through storytelling like Jesus did! Register Here!
mDNA Element: Jesus Is Lord – February 2020
Our February Online Webinar takes a look at the mDNA Element Jesus is Lord over every aspect of our life and our response in personal and collective calling. Register Here!
Loving Buddhists – January 2020
Our January Online Training will give you the opportunity to learn what Buddhists believe and how to love them well. Register Here!
mDNA Overview – January 2020
Our January Online Webinar will be an mDNA overview. What does movement DNA look like? What are the elements that can catalyze a movement? Register Here!
Abiding in Christ – December 2019
Our December Online Training will give you the opportunity to learn principles and tools that help you stay connected to Jesus and grow in love and obedience. Register Here!
Reaching Muslims – November 2019
Our November Online Training will give you the opportunity to learn more about what Muslims believe and how you can engage them in conversations and friendships that point to Jesus. Register Here!
Healing – September 2019
Our September Online Training will give you the opportunity to discover practical steps to pray for healing in the name of Jesus and see the sick made well! Register Here!
Five Functions of Church – August 2019
Our August Online Training will give you the opportunity to learn about the crucial interplay of the five key functions of the church described in Ephesians 4, and which of these functions are your own strongest motivators. Register Here!
Dynamic Sending – May 2019
Our May Online Training will give you the opportunity to be fully activated as a missionary sender, and help your church to send your workers with excellence and love. Register Here!
Discovery Bible Study – February 2019
Our Ignite Online Training will focus on How to lead a “simple church” meeting in your home or at your office, using the Discovery Bible Study method. Register Here!
People of Peace – January 2019
Our first Ignite Online Training will focus on How to find and recognize a Person of Peace (see Luke 10) and equip them to ignite a movement to Jesus in their own social network! Register Here!