Upcoming Events

    The Heart of Jesus in the Skin of Any Culture: Ministering Through Cultures (Online)

    05/03/2025 - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Jesus adapted himself when he came to Earth in human form, and you also must sometimes adapt your language, metaphors, and stories to clearly share the Gospel. In this training you’ll explore how a culture’s worldview affects their response to Jesus, and how you can adapt the message of Jesus to be Good News to any worldview!

    Telling Jesus Stories Workshop - June (Kansas City or Online)

    06/14/2025 - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

    Jesus shared the good news of the kingdom of God by sharing simple stories with people. He didn’t insist that people completely understand the stories, nor did He explain the stories. He simply told stories and waited on the Holy Spirit to enlighten the listeners and empower their hearts to change and grow. In this interactive storytelling workshop, you’ll practice telling Jesus stories naturally, enthusiastically, and with love.

    Catalyze: Church Multiplication Training (Kansas City)

    06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025 - 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

    Learn how to share your faith and plant churches that plant more churches and are led by the locals from day one! These church planting principles work in cultures all over the world whether they are near or far from your own.

    Discovery Bible Study (DBS): Communities Bringing God's Word to Life (Online)

    08/23/2025 - 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    A key tool you can access to disciple others is the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) model. Through DBS, you can help all members of a small group to engage Scripture deeply, share the insights they discover, and put it into practice. In this training, you will learn and practice this model to revolutionize your experience of the Bible!

    Telling Jesus Stories Workshop- October (Kansas City or Online)

    10/11/2025 - 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

    Jesus shared the good news of the kingdom of God by sharing simple stories with people. He didn’t insist that people completely understand the stories, nor did He explain the stories. He simply told stories and waited on the Holy Spirit to enlighten the listeners and empower their hearts to change and grow. In this interactive storytelling workshop, you’ll practice telling Jesus stories naturally, enthusiastically, and with love.

    Catalyze: Church Multiplication Training (Kansas City)

    10/13/2025 - 10/17/2025 - 9:00 am - 12:30 pm

    Learn how to share your faith and plant churches that plant more churches and are led by the locals from day one! These church planting principles work in cultures all over the world whether they are near or far from your own.

    Making Disciples in the Workplace (Online)

    11/01/2025 - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Your workplace is a mission field too! In this training you will discover how you can be intentional within your vocation to raise up, equip, and coach new believers to be leaders who multiply disciples.

    The Ephesians 4 All-play: Maturity and Mutuality through the 5-fold gifts (Online)

    11/15/2025 - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Igniting Jesus movements is not only for evangelists and entrepreneurs. You & all of God’s people have a part to play, no matter what your primary grace of gifting may be.  Don’t miss this opportunity to dive into the 5-fold graces of Ephesians 4 & see how crucial your piece of the puzzle truly is!

    Passing the Baton: Discipleship that Multiplies Through Generations (Online)

    12/06/2025 - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

    Join us to shift your disciple-making efforts from addition to multiplication. Learn practical tools for fostering generational growth and cultivating empowering leadership. By focusing on reach-through principles, you’ll learn to release and empower disciples to carry the gospel into their own communities, sparking the formation of vibrant, reproducing simple faith communities.