Prayer + Healing = Transformation

By 06/28/2023Stories

Carmen, an All Nations missionary, shares her journey of faith, prayer, and healing with Farsi believers. You will also find ways to pray, get involved, and get trained in prayer below!

Carmen prays for DariaI listened as I heard 15 Farsi believers saying they didn’t believe God actually healed the beggar through Peter in Acts 3. But I also hear God saying, “Ask Me to heal.” So I did.

Let me back up. My husband and I have known the whole time we’ve been here in Germany that God was inviting us to start praying for healing with more intention.

We really started asking others to pray for God to open doors to do that about a year ago, which is also when we started working intentionally with the Farsi-speaking population. And then I found myself in this moment.

The afternoon winter light was filtering through the windows as I looked at the faces around me. Every one of the 15 Farsi believers had said that they liked the story in Acts 3, but there was no way God actually healed the beggar.

I felt the usual questions rising up in me. If I took a step of faith, would God heal today? What if He didn’t? Would it be better to wait and try later?

If I took a step of faith, would God heal today? What if He didn’t? Would it be better to wait and try later?

In the face of my fear, I decided to ask Him. And He spoke! I knew, somehow, that someone in the circle had kidney pain.

“Is anyone experiencing kidney pain right now?”

Daria looked at me curiously. “I do. I woke up this morning with intense pain deep in my upper back. It hurts so bad that I am having trouble breathing.”

“Can I pray for God to heal you?”


So I did. I prayed a short prayer for the pain to leave her body in Jesus’ Name. She was INSTANTLY healed. She was shocked. In fact, every person in the circle was shocked. It was so unexpected, so far out of their understanding of what God could – or would – do.

She was INSTANTLY healed. She was shocked. In fact, every person in the circle was shocked.

I made sure they understood that the power to heal came not from me, but from the Holy Spirit living in me.

The circle of 15 dispersed with the joy of fresh faith shining in their smiles. They went to a larger room where other Persians were arriving for another gathering. Daria couldn’t keep the story to herself. She told four of her friends what happened, and I got to pray for healing for every one of them. Ahmed, our translator, told me that the experience changed his mind about the Holy Spirit.

My husband and I walked into the cold winter evening hours later, filled with joy at how God had revealed Himself and answered prayer.

*Names changed to keep identities secure

Prayer Resources

What about you? How is God inviting you to encounter Him and bring others to Him in prayer? Check out these resources as a starting point…

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Prayer Corps – You become an essential part of All Nations’ global ministry when you join the Prayer Crops. You’ll receive an email the 1st of each month with ways to pray for All Nations, unreached peoples, and more. Uphold our global work through prayer!

Get Trained: Free Online Recordings

Prayer That Ignites Movements – Learn to foster an environment of extraordinary prayer in your church and among your friends.

How in the World do I Hear God’s Voice? – God created you to have an interactive relationship with Him! Get started on the exciting journey of hearing from Him.

Healing – Discover practical steps to pray for healing in the name of Jesus and see the sick made well.

Find Resources

All Nations’ Prayer Guides – Check out these downloadable prayer guides for certain people groups – including Somalis, North Koreans, Japanese, and Refugees in Germany.

Comprehensive Prayer Guides – If you’re looking for ways to pray for a specific group, start here! Justin Long recently updated this list that is organized by country, people cluster, topic, and more.


  • Thank you for this wonderful story of healing. I too have been praying and asking the Lord to open up doors for healing, As you know in the early church evangelism, signs and wonders, and healing were seen as one.

    • Lisa says:

      Good to hear from you Kathleen! Your prayers are definitely being answered. This team had a healing meeting after this story with many more in attendance and saw God do some amazing things. Keep praying!

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