“What is that thing I see over my bed, holding me down?”

Kinan* felt alone once again. Discouraged. Stuck – literally. He knew spiritual beings were real – he’d seen dark creatures in his home growing up. But now he knew Jesus, and he was sure Jesus was more powerful. So why see this creature now? Why couldn’t he make himself get out of bed? Why was he so depressed?

He forced himself to get up, eventually. Thank God for his delivery job and that he could set his own schedule. But even today, he’d be later with the deliveries than he wanted. He felt the lingering fear and discouragement as he walked out the door.

The next day he went to Ben and Jenni’s house. The door was always open for him to come over, and these were the only people he could think of who might be able to help.

Before he mentioned his struggle, Ben told him what Jesus had been speaking to him about. He’d been reading in Ephesians 6 about the armor of God, and how our struggle isn’t against other people, but against spiritual forces of darkness. He talked about spiritual warfare, and how God was more powerful than any other spiritual force.

Kinan stared. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

This was the second time he had felt completely seen by God. It was like God was right there saying, “You’re not alone. You’re are loved.”

“You weren’t alone when you felt that way as a teenager. When your angry, violent step dad kicked you out of the house and shut you out of your family. When you lived on the streets for years. Remember how I woke you up and told you to go to a specific place – and you did? And how you met the guys playing basketball who told you about Me? How I assured you of my love and set you in family? Well, here we are again. You’re not alone. I’m with you, and I see your struggle with darkness. I am able to help.”

Kinan told Ben about the being he’d seen the morning before. “What was that?” he asked.

Ben said, “That is God opening your eyes to what is happening in the spiritual world. There are forces of darkness not wanting you to get up and get going.”

Before Kinan left, Ben had him pray with him and Jenni to cast out spiritual oppression they had been feeling in their own home. Kinan felt it go.

That night, Kinan was making his deliveries and suddenly realized how negative and depressed his thoughts were. How he was spiraling into darkness. He stopped the van and started praying.

“God, you are more powerful. In the name of Jesus, I cast out this negativity from my mind.” He prayed again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

And again and again.

And then – it left!

The thoughts went away. His mind was free.

Kinan’s eyes filled with tears. He opened the door to his van and walked for a moment in the fading light. God was real. He was powerful. And He was with Kinan.

His heart filled with hope. No matter how alone he might feel, Jesus was with him. And there was hope for his mom and sister and step dad and cousins, aunts and uncles. They were stuck in darkness and violence and drugs and Islam. But this Jesus – he had power. He brought light.

He couldn’t wait to tell Ben.


*Names & details in this story were changed for security

All Nations is thrilled to have men and women like Ben all over the world, who make it their top priority to abide in Jesus. They do this because of who He is. And they also recognize that only by abiding will their lives bear fruit.

Ben’s choice to abide with Jesus and receive from Him directly spoke to Kinan’s struggle – and led to freedom and hope.

We invite you once again to our annual fundraiser, Further Together 2023: Abide & Multiply. Invest in recruiting, training, and caring for more missionaries like Ben, who are able to be fruitful and multiply faith in Jesus in neglected peoples because they are committed first to abiding in Jesus! Join us September 14, 2023, in person or online!

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