There are seven stages in a Church Planting Movement (CPM), and today we explore stages 5-7. See this post to explore stages 1-4.

A movement is only a TRUE Church Planting Movement when it reaches stage five, as evidenced by numerous 4th generation churches in multiple discipleship streams. At this point, the CPM has enough internal momentum to keep going and growing

At stage six, a church planting movement is considered ‘sustained’ when characterized by visionary, indigenous leadership leading the movement with little or no need for outsiders. This movement has stood the test of time.

Stage seven is called ‘Multiplying Church Planting Movements (CPMs)’ because the CPM is catalyzing new CPMs in other unreached people and places!.

Want to learn more? Take an inside glimpse into a stage 6 movement in Uganda (next post!), and a stage 2-3 movement in South Asia.

Join us for the Catalyze or Church Planting Experience (CPx) training to learn how to ignite movements yourself!

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